Monday, February 02, 2015

After-the-fact rare humor in the midst of crisis: "Preview from 'The Garage' of the Argument of the Month" for Jan. 2015

AOTM - Argument of the Month [TM]: The Men's Forum for Catholic Apologetics presents a monthly debate on hot button issues in the basement of St. Augustine's Catholic Church in South St. Paul, MN. The featured speaker for February 10, 2015 is Steve Wood on the subject of Pornography and the Catholic Man.

In case you missed it, however, here is some rare humor in the midst of the crisis from a "Preview from 'The Garage' of the Argument of the Month" for January 13, 2015, posted online just the day before, with some welcome levity amidst "the crisis":

[Hat tip to A.Q.]

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