Friday, October 24, 2014

What I saw at the revolution

Was it the same event?

Point: Mark Brumley, "Synod Surprise" (National Catholic Register, October 21, 2014).

Counter-point: Alessandro Gnocchi, "Over half the Bishops (in the Synod) have already switched religion" (RC, October 23, 2014).

Perhaps we now need a Syllabus of Errors regarding the interpretation of the Synod?

[Hat tip to JM]


  1. Mark has the right idea.

    The RC well if I can't say anything nice..........

  2. Ralph Roister-Doister3:43 AM

    God to Bergoglio: SURRRPRIIISE!!!!

  3. Why do so many of our converts turn out to be Brumley, Shea and Hahn, rather than Blosser, Price, Culbreath, and Bougis ?
