Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tridentine Masses coming to Southeastern Michigan this week

Tridentine Masses This Coming Week


  1. Hello PP,

    I was wondering if you cover anything further than Windsor area for Canada?

    If you like, you can skim around my blog, Servimus Unum Deum, as I cover regular and special offerings (as they are confirmed online and/or bulletins) in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. Click on my profile. You can use the info on my offerings for your blog too.

    Pax, Julian.

  2. Hello Mr. Barkin,

    While I would love to include the greater Toronto area, I'm afraid I would be spreading myself a trifle thin. If I included cities within a radius of 4-5 hours from Detroit -- from, say, Toronto to Chicago -- I would lose the specificity of my local focus and begin competing with global listings like

    Nevertheless, I'm grateful for the contact and am willing to collaborate in spreading the word on any special-occasion Masses.

    Kind regards, --PP
