Saturday, January 11, 2014

Good news: abotion clinics closing at record rate

Some very good news amidst what often seems like a gathering storm: according to a report, "Abortion Clinics Closing at Record Rate" (Christianity Today, September 13, 2013), forty-four clinics have closed so far in 2013 compared to thirty in 2011 and twenty-five in 2012. 2013 closings included notorious major abortion providers, such as NOVA Women's "Healthcare" in Fairfax, VA. which performed 3,066 abortions in 2012 and 3,567 in 2011 according to a Washington Post report. Closings are attributed to mounting state regulation an oversight of clinics, as well as growth in pro-life opinion and activity, declining abortion rates, and retirement of abortion "doctors." State legislatures have passed sixty-nine pro-life laws so far in 2013.

It's nice to have some good news for a change.

[Hat tip to Crusade Magazine, Jan.-Feb., 2014, p. 4]

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