Monday, January 06, 2014

Anglicans to dump "sin" & "devil" from baptism rite, and Fr. Z. suggests a Romanorum coetibus for disaffected Catholics

Fr. Z makes some typically fine observations in his post, "Church of England to dump 'sin' and 'evil' from baptism rite?" (January 5, 2014), and offers kudos to the senior member of the Anglican General Synod who said "This is more like a benediction from the Good Fairy than any church service."

The only problem I can see is that me may be a bit too quick to make fun of the Anglicans in this regard, when there are others who are wondering whether Catholics in their new rite of baptism have not done nearly the same, or whether Welby is a Francis clone on the Thames.

In his defense, Fr. Z does at least acknowledge the National Catholic Fishwrap types and the squishy who inhabit our own premises, and declares, for their sake, that he holds out the "hope that you will soon see the Church of England issue Romanorum coetibus, a document "whereby our Anglican sisters and brothers will make provisions for disaffected catholics, offering them a safe-haven from the patriarchal oppression of Rome while preserving intact their most cherished traditions, such as clay cups, guitars, abortion clinic escort nuns, hand holding, the dream of female deacons, etc."

Life as a papist these days is entertaining beyond Comedy Central. You just can't make this stuff up.

[Hat tip to JM]

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