Monday, August 26, 2013

Sedia occupata: Throne of St. Peter vacated by Pope Francis occupied subsequently by Argentine soccer star

Ezequiel Iván Lavezzi, known as el Pocho or the Chubby One, seated in the Papal Chair in the photo above, is surrounded by his jubilant team mates.

Two accounts: one by David Werling, "El Poncho, The Pope's Chair, and the Church as 'Servant to the World'" (Ars Orandi, August 24, 2013); and New Catholic, "Sedia occupata" (Rorate Caeli, August 23, 2013).

[Hat tip to L.S.]


  1. Sheldon9:46 AM

    This is a bellwether of the future of Catholicism. Pope Benedict XVI vacates the Chair of Peter. Pope Francis spurns it. El Poncho, a popular sportsman and buffoon, now occupies it.

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Anyone else remember the Cisco Kid. Hey Pancho, Hey Cisco

  3. In one sense inconsequential. Of course, that is the point. Slowly, everything becomes inconsequential, with the Vatican's benevolent be nice vibe. Its Ok, Youre Ok, Were All A-Ok, Okay?! It's a small world after all....
