Friday, August 05, 2011

Dr. Thomas Pink responds to Fr. Rhonheimer

"On the coercive authority of the Church: a response to Fr. Martin Rhonheimer by Dr. Thomas Pink" (Rorate Caeli, August 5, 2011) offers, along with a detailed chronology of the articles bearing on this subject posted by Sandro Magister at Chiesa, a thoroughgoing and programmatic discussion by Prof. Thomas Pink of King's College London.

By way of introductory summary, Rorate Caeli quotes the words of Fr. Giovanni Cavalcoli OP, who put the critical issues as follows in the course of the discussion: "The heart of the debate is here. We all agree, in fact, that the doctrines already defined [by the dogmatic magisterium of the former Church] present in the conciliar texts are infallible. What is in discussion is if the doctrinal developments, the innovations of the Council, are also infallible."

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