Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The curious flap over The Vortex's Michael Voris

A combox comment let me over to the author's blog yesterday and a post by Joe entitled "The Vortex: Much ado about Michael Voris" (Defend us in Battle, April 11, 2011). I make no comment except to say that more may be riding on these sorts of showdowns than meets the eye. Stakes are high. Pray for all involved.



  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    To the AOD and Scranton:
    Most of the time we know when we have sinned. What is really bothersome is when we know we have sinned and someone comes along and tells us we sinned. It takes real humility to say you’re right and I’m wrong, I have sinned.

  2. "RealCatholicTV ... has invited the Bishop of Scranton to work with Michael Voris to spread the official Catholic Faith, and defend the Church against a radical proabortion and homosexual rights agenda."

    Despite Vorris' unfortunate rhetorical turns, he is essentially correct. Bishop of Scranton, please be a man, a heterosexual man, about this. Can we at last call a flippin' gay blade a gay blade? How long must the disordered priests in e chancery be allowed to 'follow their bliss,' or whatever the sorry mantra was in the 70s? If we can't toe the line on gay sex, we are about as counter-cultural as DisneyWorld. Time to man up or sell out.

  3. I believe you are very correct... there seems to be a lot more going on here than meets the eye.

    I hope that my post did nothing else beyond explaining that very point. It is difficult to say things on blogs... and it is even hard to post about things, and purposely not say certain things. Being cryptic always leaves readers with an unpleasant and often incorrect understanding of a point.

  4. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Voris is BORING

  5. Anonymous10:23 PM

    "Voris is boring" and that's all you have to say? Your boring statement fits you perfectly!

  6. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Voris is BORING and... what else is there to say about him? Well, I'll try. Voris is JUVENILE.

  7. Sheldon7:32 AM

    Voris is BORING and... what else is there to say about him? Well, I'll try. Voris is JUVENILE.

    Watch it, Junior. You're going to run awfoul of Pertinacious Papist's "Da Rulz" policy against ad hominems. This is the rule, in case you don't understand the principle, which excludes juvenile and boring commentors from posting tactless little jibes against people online. It's not merely rude (which goes without saying), but it's also stupid and juvenile and, yes, as someone here as said: BORING.

    Look: let me help you. If you think Voris is boring and juvenile, tell us WHY you think this. This might be a first, baby step toward a half-mature conversation with other commentors in this comment box.

  8. Sheldon8:38 PM

    Mr. Voris is an embarrassment to the chancery offices across the English-speaking world in the same way doctrinaire Marxists and Leninists eventually became an embarrassment to the upper echelons of political power in the former Soviet Unions.

    At social gatherings of upper-level party officials in the 1970s, when one or another ideologue began spewing out conventional Marxist-Leninst dogma, I'm told, either someone would abruptly shift the conversation in another direction, or, worse, an embarrassed hush would fall over the gathering.

    Why was this? Those in power no longer personally believed the party line, even if they were prominent representatives in the party hierarchy. They were no longer believers. Their thinking had subtly shifted. They had lost their faith in the ideology of their tradition. They merely wished to perpetuate and preserve their own positions of power in the establishment.

    How is Mr. Voris' embarrassment of chancery officials differ? The problem cannot be that he is heretical or heterodox in any way. Rather, the problem is that he pumps the orthodox party line so bluntly, unapologetically and relentlessly. The old guard finds this exceedingly embarrassing. It does not want to be reminded, least of all by the likes of him, that it has been publicly indifferent whether the faithful believe or do not believe in Church teaching on contaception, abortion, masturbation, pornography, cohabiting, divorce and remarriage for generations. What's the last time you your priest substantially address any of these topics in your local parish - or your bishop in your diocese?

  9. Helen Westover9:07 PM

    Where is Voris wrong? He is describing the auto-demolition of the Church since Vatican 2. Your ad hominum attacks don't help your credibility.
    The seminaries ARE empty, Catholics wouldn't know their Faith if it smacked them in the face. The only segment of Catholicism which is growing are the more traditionalist groups - they can't build enough seminaries and convents.
    If this is not your faith, what are you doing criticizing "What you don't understand"?

  10. Anonymous Bosch3:18 PM


    It's not clear whom your criticizing here.

    Are you criticizing the "Anonymous" who called Voris "boring" and "juvenile," or Sheldon who said that Voris is an "embarrassment to chancery offices" because he speaks the truth that the chancery officials no longer appear to believe?
