Monday, December 27, 2010

Geography teacher in Spain sued by Moslem for mentioning ham in class

Soeren Kern, "The Spanish Ham Lawsuit and Other Muslim Problems Hitting Iberia" (Hudson New York, December 23, 2010).

And Spanish ham -- the Jamón serrano they serve in tapas bars from Santiago de Compostela to Cadiz -- is almost as exquisite as Spanish flamenco in Andalusia.

One may offend public sensibilities by using a male pronoun instead of the now politically correct and grammatically hideous "they" or "them"; by eating pork rinds or mentioning "Jesus" in polite company; by quoting Leviticus 18:22 in public in Canada; and now ... by referring to HAM in Spain.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

1 comment:

  1. Ralph Roister-Doister10:47 PM

    I tried some salt and vinegar pork rinds recently. They were delicious with a bottle of Labatt's lager. Everyone should try some as an ecumenical gesture. They were made by the Junior Johnson co in Wilkesbarre, North Carolina. I guess you could call Wilkesbarre the Mecca of superior pork products.
