Friday, September 24, 2010

What's wrong with Feisal Rauf's What's Right With Islam

Ibn Warraq, "The Two Faces of Feisal Rauf: What's Wrong with What's Right With Islam" (NRO, September 14, 2010). Terrorism counts on the gullibility of the tender-minded self-congratulatory Western liberal political establishment. I wonder whom William James would consider tough-minded now?


  1. Thanks for informing the public passing this along. This is an excellent, and most revealing article. We must fight those who seek to destroy America, both from within and without. God Bless.

  2. Ralph Roister-Doister9:58 AM

    In Buffalo recently, a Muslim couple, devout but supposedly westernized, solved their marital difficulties the old fashioned way: the husband beheaded his wife. That'll teach her!! But since this strapping exemplar of the Muslim way is "westernized", he is fashioning a legal defense greatly prized by western liberal intellectuals and legal scholars: battered spouse syndrome. It seems his wife was a hectoring bitch. I don't know what this tells you, but it tells me that the key to dealing with Islam may not be quite as simplistic as "westernizing" it. Throwing filet and feces into the same pot does not guarantee a better stew.
