Monday, September 06, 2010

Hope for Down Syndrome kids -- 90% of whom are aborted today

I know friends who have healthy three or four kids of their own but want to adopt. Some of them specifically want to adopt Down Syndrome babies. These are amazing people, it goes without saying. I don't know if I would could be that selfless. I admire not only their openness to life, but their openness to "abnormal" life.

New research is offering new hope for Down Syndrome children, however -- and the promise of a future that will help mothers pressured into abortion make a choice for life.

Please watch this video:

Research Down Syndrome suggests that parents are largely unaware of the truly groundbreaking research being done on behalf of children with Down Syndrome. The fact is that scientists have begun identifying the sources of learning difficulties in persons with Down Syndrome. As a result the future holds increased life opportunities for Down Syndrome kids, including more advanced educational opportunities and improved career paths, which could very possibly lead to independent living.

[Hat tip to E.E.]


  1. Anonymous one3:14 PM

    My wife worked with autistic and Down syndrome children. The children loved when they would go into the music room and play with different instruments and the work was very fulfilling. She really enjoyed and loved the children and they loved her, which is probably why they responded so positively to her when others could not manage them. She treated them as normal children with discipline and much progress was made. God created beautiful people in many ways even when it might seem unusual.

  2. This is great news. Thank you. Tweeting now.

    God bless!

  3. Thank you for this wonderful news, I'll be sharing it with the Down syndrome community online.
    I have a biological daughter with Down syndrome, and, like you have enormous respect for parents who choose a special needs child.
    It shows not only their generosity but their good taste. Our children are incalcualable blessings!

  4. AS the mother of a child with Down syndrome, I would say the abnormal in our lives is seen as an extra measurement of joy, peace, kindness. Knowing what really matters in life and a heart that grows and grows. Would not trade it for anything in the world!
