Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Catholic homosexual as victim soul

Michael Voris, "Catholic and Homosexual" (The Vortex, September 24, 2010). Definitely not the comfortable pew or bed of roses, but a tall order and a tough compassion. What would you rather have? "Go in peace, indulge yourself"? Where would that get you?


  1. Very insightful video. Not something I had ever thought about before.

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    A disordered nature doesn't mean God Doesn't love you, but quite the opposite, God understands the cross each of us bears and the heavier the cross the more help he gives.

  3. Anonymous12:49 AM

    According to the church, the orientation is disordered, but that does not mean that homosexual have a disordered nature.

    I see Archbishop Vincent Nichols is calling for a rethink of gay couples.

  4. See ALbert Mohler's most recent post on this one, was well as new material over at Catholic Culture. All good.

  5. Sharon1:26 AM

    I see Archbishop Vincent Nichols is calling for a rethink of gay couples.

    Archbishop Vincent Nicols is not the Magisterium, teaching authority, of the Catholic Church.

    This position of the Catholics Bishops of England and Wales (CBEW) is rooted in a 2005 policy referred to as the Diversity and Equality guidelines, which was rejected by the Vatican for its lack of conformity with Catholic teaching.

    Paragraph 2357 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

    …Under no circumstances can they [homosexual acts] be approved."
