Sunday, August 29, 2010

Obama's culture war with Christianity, common ground with Islam

A reader sent me the linked article below with this extracted quote: "Obama's de facto culture war with Christianity is of more interest to him than the real and ongoing one with radical Islam."

George Neumayr, "A Relativist, Wrapped in a Muslim, Inside an Agnostic" (American Spectator, August 26, 2010). Excerpts:
Why does a significant chunk of the American electorate think Obama is a Muslim? Let's count some of the reasons: he speaks of his "Muslim roots," says he hails from "generations of Muslims," was born to a line of Muslim males and given by them an Arabic name, went to a Muslim school in Islamic Indonesia, speaks glowingly of Islam whenever he gets the chance, holds a Ramadan dinner in the White House, tells his NASA head to turn the space agency into a Muslim outreach program, and last but not least insults doctrinal Christians routinely.

... Oh well; all is forgotten in politics. But, wait, what did Mitch McConnell say again? "I take him at his word" that he is Christian, said the Senate Republican Minority Leader last Sunday. The left is in no mood to forgive that one, since "his word" counts for so little in the eyes of Republicans like McConnell.

So what religion is Obama? Probably the most generous description of Obama's elusive religious identity, should one take him at "his word" as it appears in his slippery memoirs and speeches, is that he's neither Muslim nor Christian; he's something else.... But perhaps he can be clinically described as a practicing agnostic, with deep roots in and sympathy for Islam, who views his now-professed, politically necessary religion with barely concealed disdain while allowing himself from time to time bursts of syncretistic sophistry and quasi-religious uplift.

At least this much is clear: his greatest fear is not radical Islam abroad but the growth of doctrinal Christianity at home. Imagine if he treated Muslims in the same arrogant manner that his administration treats pro-life Christian doctors, nurses, and pharmacists ...

His de facto culture war with Christianity is of more interest to him than the real and ongoing one with radical Islam. He is the Harvard agnostic and dilettante who stands above all religions, save Islam, and judges their "rationality" and usefulness to the utopia to come. Islam is an intrinsically peaceful religion by his lights, while Christianity, unless it assumes the platform of the Democratic Party and sees Jesus as a forerunner to Saul Alinsky, is dangerously bigoted and an impediment to "progress." Obama's America has a friend in Islam, but Christians can be "un-American," as actor Tom Hanks once described Proposition 8 proponents.

The more irrational a religion, the more Obama-style "rationalists" and relativists like it....

Radical Islam and relativism take different routes of irrationality -- the former adopts "faith" without reason while the latter adopts "reason" without faith -- but come out on the same trail of blood: a culture of death, with daily abortions in the west, suicide bombings in the east, and a "leader of the free world," who reads secularist propaganda at the Huffington Post with memory's ear cocked to the "call of the azaan," blind to both.
[Hat tip to J.M.]


  1. Excellent article!!

    Obama is a secularist, Marxist, and a cultural Muslim all rolled into one.

  2. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Obama is an American politician like Kennedy who knows that the US is not a theocracy and not aligned with any religious confession. In his private life he is a Christian, but that is no concern of the electorate. And Americans should be begging Muslims for forgiveness for the evil you have done to them.

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    "evil you have done" Are we to assume you are Muslim? This may allow us to understand your point of view.

  4. Anonymous5:07 AM

    No, not Muslim. I subscribe to a religion called Christianity, after Jesus the Christ. Heard of it?

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    You "subscribe" to be Christian and I assume American, which must mean your "evil acts."

  6. Anonymous who claims to be a Christian said: Obama is an American politician like Kennedy

    You're probably right about that (which isn't a compliment to Obama) -- though Kennedy was by far a more competent president than Obama.

    In his private life he is a Christian, but that is no concern of the electorate.

    Wrong. It's of no concern to part of the electorate, but is of concern to another, very large part of the electorate.

    And Americans should be begging Muslims for forgiveness for the evil you have done to them.

    Maybe. But certainly all Muslims should be begging God and their fellow man forgiveness for their centuries of evil and heresy.

  7. c matt2:35 PM

    Well, your not really much of a Christian if your Christianity is reserved to your "private" life.
