Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Dependence Day

Yes, I liked Mark Steyn's headline best. But "Stupak, You're a Wuss" would have done just fine. As would have "Prepare to Reap the Whirlwind."

The end of the world may not be just around the corner, but what you can expect in the interim is higher insurance premiums, longer wait times at your local HMO, and fewer doctors on staff. Wouldn't you bail out of your profession if you were a doctor under Obamacare? I know two who are talking about it and one who has. Nothing about this bill is cheap, despite the impressively successful effort of the administration to dupe the impressionable viewers of MSNBC, CBS, and NBC.

Ultimately, of course, such pessimism is unbecoming. One should always look on the 'bright' side of life: this massive govermentalization of health care will mean at least that, in the long run, abortion will be underwritten by the federal government and no longer have to be paid for out-of-pocket by John Q. Citizen; and if you make it to your seventies or eighties, and they can't afford to fund your bypass surgery (and they surely won't), they'll surely be happy to fund your euthanasia.

Have a nice day.


  1. When I was teaching in the UK, and American student who contracted strep throat was told by a local English physician to drink lots of orange juice and get plenty of rest. The student had to have his parents send him antibiotics from the U.S. by expedited delivery. Those days are rapidly coming to the U.S. itself; only where is our "U.S." going to be from which we can have someone send us our antibiotics by expedited delivery?

    I suppose for those with the money, there will always be the off-shore black market.

  2. I'm moving to Mexico. At least they are normal down there, even if they speak a Romance language.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Oh Pertinacious One,

    Surely you must know the value of bold reform such as that which the government has now provided for us.

    You're right: there's no ground for pessimism. There is a new dawn in America.

    Eric Blair

  4. Mr. Blair (no relation to Howard, I trust),

    I am not sanguine your ebullient optimism is quite warranted. For one thing, the word "bold" suggests courage in a cause of virtue rather than brash recklessness in a cause of destructive revolt. I have no doubt that we face the dawning of a new day in America. The question, however, is what sort of day it will bring. Talk is cheap. It takes decades and centuries to build something of lasting value, and it takes only a few months or years to tear it all down.

    You have some sort of poppy seed concoction you'd like to share?

  5. A new day? Guffaw. Another day in the dismantling of what has been a strong western country by those unsympathetic to western indiviudalism, sure. But it has been decades in the prepping, much like the turn of the Episc. Church. "It takes a village...." to be as medically sound and sexually amoral as a clean cat. The day after reform passed, I listened to my MBCU college students give speeches on their heroes: MLK, Eleanor Roosevelt and ... Castro and Che Guevera. Same kids think socilism is noble, and that who your doctor is ranks much higher than who your sex partner is. And all expect jobs pying 30 K or higher. But also, must love Jesus. Strange, Brave New World it is. Who cares if you live forever if your soul is sick.

    Obamaites do want to remake America. We will miss what we had.

  6. Stand and Oppose.

    Do not let the Left choose ANY rope for you.

    Fagans: Why should you leave? The Left are the ones who should be deported at the least.

    Do not succumb to traitors.

  7. One more reason for an independent Texas...

  8. Sheldon10:20 PM

    Texas is another country. I've wished that I could move there. I've always enjoyed my visits.
