Monday, February 01, 2010

Cardinal Biffi challenges new Ambrosian lectionary

Sandro Magister, "Ambrosian Rite. Cardinal Biffi's Ax Falls on New Lectionary" (www.chiesa): "It has come into use in Milan with the approval of the Vatican. But the archbishop emeritus of Bologna, Milanese and a leading expert on Saint Ambrose, has found it to be full of eccentricities and errors. He wants Rome to reexamine it from the top."


  1. ""It will live long in the appalled memory of our Church." !

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Fantastic. The same thing will happen with the new translation of the Roman Missal. The same incompetence is afoot in both.

  3. In your dreams, Anonymous.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    In my dreams? But everybody who is anybody seems to be saying the same thing about the new translations as Card. Biffi is saying about the Ambrosian mess. See

  5. Anon. ... (an emotional twin of Grega or Fr Joe?)

    Regardless, the Everybody Who Is Anybody referenced is nothing more than the same old America mag crew. The are upset part of the Vatican II legacy is being supplanted. Somebody call the wambulance.

    Another link, with a diff. perspective.

    Please Lord, let the dope clerics retire as soon as possible. And also let America magazine expire. Amen.
