Monday, January 25, 2010

Orthodox to discuss papal primacy

Sandro Magister, "'The Pope Is the First Among the Patriarchs.' Just How Remains to Be Seen" (www.chiesa, Jan. 25, 2010): "With Benedict XVI, for the first time in history, the Orthodox have agreed to discuss the primacy of the bishop of Rome, according to the model of the first millennium, when the Church was undivided. Never before seen: the outline of the dialogue.":
ROME, January 25, 2010 – This evening, with vespers in the basilica of Saint Paul's Outside the Walls, Benedict XVI is closing the week of prayer for Christian unity.

There are some who say that ecumenism has entered a phase of retreat and chill. But as soon as one that looks to the East, the facts say the opposite. Relations with the Orthodox Churches have never been so promising as they have since Joseph Ratzinger has been pope....
Read more ...


  1. Anonymous12:39 AM

    What a great resource!

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Is it ethical to read a leaked document?

  3. Viverechristusest,

    What's your point? (I like your blog, by the way - especially the post about the silent monks 'singing' Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. Just checked it out.)

  4. Anonymous11:23 PM

    My point is, I want to settle a question of conscience.

  5. My answer would be, I do not know. It would depend, I suppose, on why one read it, whether he knew it was leaked, why it was leaked, his standing in relation to whoever leaked it -- a number of such variables.
