Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Don't be a buzzkill, Jesus"

Our HBCU correspondent we keep on retainer just wired in this item about the Sara Evans album, "I'll Be Home for Christmas," as a pre-holiday heads-up. He writes:

"Somehow, on an Xmas Ep with 4 songs, one of which feature words sung as if spoken by Jesus himself, methinks this jacket photo epitomizes how religion in the U.S. has been hijacked by Oprah-ism, self-referentialism and the Faith Hill-ified 'If You Got It, Flaunt It' philosophy. Hey, Merry Christmas. It's All Good... Sheesh, chill out there, Jesus. Grab an eggnog or something, but don't be a buzzkill..."

[Hat tip to J.M.]

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