Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Action concerning Notre Dame

"First 300,000 Petition Signatures Delivered to Notre Dame Board Members, Fr. Jenkins" (Cardinal Newman Society, April 29, 2009): Copies Are Being Rushed to Rome, Papal Nuncio, USCCB and ND Bishop John D’Arcy":
... it took The Cardinal Newman Society more than 24 hours to prepare the data and print more than 64,000 sheets of paper, double sided, which were then bound in notebooks and sent via FedEx to Father Jenkins and individual members of the Notre Dame Board of Trustees and Board of Fellows.

Copies of the petitions are also being rushed ... to Archbishop Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski, Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education; Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Apostolic Nuncio (Vatican ambassador) to the United States; Francis Cardinal George, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB); Bishop John D’Arcy, of Fort Wayne-South Bend, who presides over Notre Dame; and Bishop Robert McManus, Chairman of the USCCB Education Committee.
Patrick J. Reilly, President of the Cardinal Newman Society who sponsored the petition, said: "Only the Notre Dame Trustees and Fellows have direct authority over Father Jenkins, so their meetings on Friday are our best hope for an end to this scandal."

In related news, in "Deplorable “Catholic Democrats” deplore Amb. Glendon (WDTPRS, April 29, 2009), Fr. Zuhlsdorf offers a scathing fisking of the latest defense of 'Notre Shame' by "Catholic Democrats," involving their denigration of Amb. Mary Ann Glendon.

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