Saturday, March 14, 2009

Local exposure

Gregg Krupa, "More Catholics embrace traditions" (Detroit News, March 13, 2009), offers an interesting treatment of Catholics who have found their home in the traditional liturgy generally, but also some local exposure of the Mass at St. Josaphat parish. Last Sunday, someone from the Detroit News was shooting video footage of portions of the Mass. The yield included several photographs, such as this, from the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar at the beginning of the Mass.

(Charles V. Tines / The Detroit News)

The comment beneath the photo reads: "Some 150 people now attend the traditional Latin Masses at St. Josaphat in Detroit, and about half of the congregation consists of young families and adults in their 30s and 40s."

In addition, the featured article also carries an accompanying video with some good footage of the Mass with accompanying music (the closing tune, which our Lutheran readers will recognize as coming from Luther's A Mighty Fortress, I hesitate to assure them, is a rare aberration), as well as a cameo appearance by yours truly, if you do not blink.

[Hat tip to A.B.]

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