Sunday, February 01, 2009

Woo-woo! We get national coverage

My son, Christopher, just emailed me to tell me that a page of "Times Topics" (New York Times, February 1, 2008) devoted to Pope Benedict XVI, has a section entitled "Headlines Around the Web," which carries five links, the last two of which are to posts on his and my blogs.

I dunno. I've never felt this way before. Of course, I've never been even remotely connected with the New York Times. I think it's all going to my head. I suddenly have this feeling of ... HOPE! Yes, we CAN do it! I wonder if President Obama would even shake my hand now! The possibilities are endless! Now, at last, I really count for something in this world!! Dare one hope: maybe even ... Al Gore ... would sign his autograph for me now!!!
Headlines Around the Web

The Associated Press
February 1, 2009
Pope's Bishop Pick Criticized Over Katrina Comment

Boston Globe
February 1, 2009
From Rome to Jerusalem

Catholic Exchange
February 1, 2009
Holy Father's February Prayer Intentions

Against The Grain
January 31, 2009
The Vatican, The SSPX and the Repeal of the Excommunications - A Roundup

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist
January 31, 2009
Cardinal: SSPX leader 'recognizes Vatican II'

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