Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Castrillón satisfied with SSPX answer, SSPX will give heed to the five points

The following in from the ever prompt and reliable Rorate Caeli:
"Castrillón satisfied with SSPX answer, SSPX will give heed to the five points" (RC, July 2, 2008): From the blog of Andrea Tornielli (Vatican correspondent for Il Giornale):
I have learned from secure sources that, contrary to what has appeared in certain articles, the response of the Fraternity [of Saint Pius X - FSSPX/SSPX] to the letter of Cardinal Castrillón has not in fact been negative. The Cardinal is satisfied with it, has responded to Fellay, and has promptly delivered the letter of the Fraternity to Benedict XVI. After the deadline of the end of June, the Lefebvrists [sic] ask for time but - it seems - they will respect the five points.
"20 years ago today, at noon, Rome time...

"ECCLESIA DEI adflicta illegitimam cognovit episcopalem ordinationem ab Archiepiscopo Marcello Lefebvre die tricesimo mensis Iunii collatam ..."
Who could have guessed? Then, from yesterday, Rorate Caeli has this:
"SSPX asks for removal of excommunications: Official SSPX note. I.MEDIA. APIC" (RC, July 1, 2008): [Update-1600 GMT] The official news agency of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX), DICI, has published the first official communiqué of the Fraternity on current events: On the matter of the ultimatum of Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos . . .

Further, Agence France-Presse (AFP) publishes today the information that the Rome-based French religious news agency I.MEDIA reports that the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX) has asked the Holy See to lift the excommunications:
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X has asked the Vatican to lift the excommunications pronounced against it, … to display its will to dialogue, according to religious news agency I.Media.

The Superior of the Fraternity, Bishop Bernard Fellay, sent Pope Bendict XVI a letter responding to the conditions posed by the Vatican to a reintegration of this organization, founded by … bishop Marcel Lefebvre, the agency notes.

According to an internal note of the Fraternity mentioned by I.Media, Bishop Fellay asks that the dialogue "be placed at a doctrinal level" and that he may avoid every hastiness. He underlines that "prior withdrawal of the excommunication of 1988 would favor the serenity of such a dialogue".

… "These conditions seem to aim the achievement of a climate favorable to an ulterior dialogue rather than precise commitments on exact points," the Priestly Fraternity considers in its note.
In related news:
The Transalpine Redemptorists, longtime SSPX allies, have reconciled with Rome. Fr. Michael Mary, C.S.S.R., Vicar General of the group, writes in "Good Canonical Standing,":
I am happy to inform you that last June 18th, before Cardinal Castrillon and the members of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei in Rome, I humbly petitioned the Holy See on my own behalf and on behalf of the monastery council for our priestly suspensions to be lifted.

On June 26th I received word that the Holy See had granted our petition. All canonical censures have been lifted.

Our community now truly rejoices in undisputed and peaceful possession of Communion with the Holy See because our priests are now in canonical good standing.

We are very grateful to our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI for issuing, last July, the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum which called us to come into undisputed and peaceful Communion with him.
For more about the history of the Transalpine Redemptorists, see their homepage and the Wikipedia article on them.

[Hat tip to M. & M.J.A via C.B., and Rorate Caeli]

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