Monday, June 30, 2008

26th Annual Pierogi Festival Aug. 16-17, 2008

Back in January, I mentioned how we first encountered the Annual Pierogi Festival hosted by Sweetest Heart of Mary parish when we first arrived in Detroit in August of last year:
When we first arrived in Detroit and were driving through the neighborhood, we were going East on Canfield St. and came to Sweetest Heart of Mary Catholic Church, which sported a banner announcing the August 12th 2007 Pierogi Festival.
Well, it's that time of year again, almost. I just received an email announcing the following:
  • 26th Annual Pierogi Festival - 2008
  • August 16-17, 2008; Saturday 1pm - 9pm; Sunday 12pm -8pm.
  • Pierogi dinners, chicken dinners, grilled food bar
  • Live music: Pan Franek & Zosia - Sat.; Polish Muslims - Sun.; Kielbasa Kings - Sun.
  • Special Polka Mass - 4pm Saturday with Pan Franek & Zosia [Your guess as good as mine!]
  • Moonwalk; face painting; magic; balloon twisting; dunk tank; Detroit Tigers 'Paws'; 50-50 raffles; games of chance; Vegas wheel; Hooligan; Bingo; Doll booth; Church tours; Fresh baked goods
  • Grand Raffle ($7,200 in CASH prizes)
  • Halka dancers - Sat.; Wawal dancers - Sun.
  • Sweetest Heart of Mary, 440 Russell at Canfield, Detroit (313) 831-6659 -
  • Fenced and guarded parking [Hey, it's Detroit]

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