Saturday, February 09, 2008

John McCain's pro-life record

I've only come recently to this question, and what I've read recently isn't necessarily consistent with the hear-say that's come my way, which is that his record has been mixed. What I've read recently looks like the problem was not with abortion, but with embryonic stem cells, and that it may have been his misunderstanding of the issue in any case. Anyway, recent scientific discoveries have made that a moot point. Gerard V. Bradley, "Pro-Life, Pro-McCain" (National Review, January 18, 2008) gives McCain "an unmatchable record on life issues." Ramesh Ponnuru, "Pro-Lifers for McCain" (The Corner, January 17, 2008), says that "McCain has Notre Dame law professor Gerard Bradley, Rep. Dan Lungren, Marty Dannenfelser, Frank and Mary Cannon, Sen. Sam Brownback, and Austin and Cathy Ruse in his corner." It's an impressive line-up. Are there unturned stones here somewhere?

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