Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Kidnapped in Portugal

A reader writes:
Could you please circulate this prayer request for Madeleine McCann and her family? Madeleine is the UK toddler kidnapped while on holiday with her family in Portugal. See the UK online news - "Mother's appeal: 'Please do not hurt her'" (, May 9, 2007). This is a Catholic family. As a parent, I can only imagine the terror of this situation. Please, please pray for Madeleine. PLEASE ask people to pray for this little girl and her family.
[Hat tip to J.W. - a new Catholic convert - Easter 2007]

Update 5/14/07
Half a million pilgrims in Fatima pray for missing British girl (EUX.TV, May 13, 2007)

[Hat tip to J.W.]

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