Friday, February 09, 2007

Update on baby Felicity

A follow-up on our "Prayer request" of Feb. 1, 2007 regarding the unborn baby about which we received an email. The gender has been determined, an Felicity is her name. The father writes that "it was a little heartening to discover this last week that St. Felicity just happens to be the patron saint of pregnant women and also of infants facing mortal danger in the womb." He also notes that his wife, originally due in April, will very likely (because of the complications) be delivered in March - St. Felicity's feast day is in March. Coincidences? Catholics don't imagine "mere coincidences" under such circumstances!

The other slight improvement in news is that the "mass" on Felicity's heart, according to the doctor, is probably not malignant and is low enough on the left ventricle of her heart so as not to block any valves in her heart. The doctor is more confident that Felicity will be able to make it at least 36-38 weeks and have a normal (induced) delivery, allowing for post-delivery assessment and options, as necessary.

Felicity's father thanks all who have offered their prayers in their behalf and is grateful for the comfort derived from your support.

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