Saturday, November 18, 2006

Top headlines signs of times

Have you noticed lately how sickening the news is? I know, I know ... This is what our grandparents used to see when they saw news reports of urban shootings on the telly. Buy I don't even own telly, and it's getting so I can hardly stomach turning to the internet news pages anymore without taking an anti-nausea tablet. Over the last three months we've had the following:Then, just when one would think it couldn't possibly get any worse, we have this announcement from (November 16, 2006):
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- O.J. Simpson created an uproar Wednesday with plans for a TV interview and book titled "If I Did It" -- an account the publisher pronounced "his confession" and media executives condemned as revolting and exploitive.
One cannot avoid noting the nefariously telling if inadvertent irony of the fact that CNN's article, "Publisher on O.J.: 'I consider this his confession'," is posted in the 'Entertainment' section. So this is what we've come to? This is entertainment? Sodom. Sodom was less iniquitous!

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