Monday, July 18, 2005

Son Nathan awarded US NAVY honor

One of my sons, Nathan, is currently serving in the Persian Gulf in the US Navy. He spent two of his earlier years in the Navy in Rota, Spain, just west of Cadiz and Gilbraltar, where I had the pleasure of spending some time with him several years ago. Nathan is trained in radiology, and is currently serving in the medical quarters of the assault ship, the USS Kearsarge, which has a crew of over 1000 and is also involved in the transport of marines to and from Iraq. Nathan, shown (below) on the occasion of his Enlisted Surface Warfare pinning, is shown standing between Masterchief Terry Scott, the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (the highest ranking enlisted man in the Navy) on his left and Captain Joseph Sensi, Captain of his ship, on his right. He also had the opportunity of meeting the Commandant of the Marine Corps (the highest ranking commissioned officer in the Marines). The Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist designator is awarded when a Sailor passes the respective qualifications involving a broad knowledge of all the weapons systems and main components of all the departments on a ship. Nathan's next goal is the Aviation Enlisted Warfare Specialist designator, for which he is currently studying. He has already passed the written exam, but must now prepare for an oral board scheduled within the next two weeks. Nathan is also actively involved in the religious life aboard ship, assisting his priest at Mass and freely sharing his faith with others. He also says that the captain of his ship, Captain Joseph Sensi, is a practicing Catholic. We are proud of Nathan, as we are of all our children, and should be glad to have any of you help keep him in your prayers, along with all our men and women in uniform.

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