Tuesday, July 19, 2005


(1) Pathology: pathological fear of the heterosexual and/or heterosexual family system.

(2) Heterophobia pathology manifestations:
  • Exploitativeness: Takes advantage of others to indulge own desire; strong disregard for the personal integrity of others; inability to recognize how pathology negatively impacts others and/or society i which they live; narcissistic.
  • Rapid shifts to anger. Preoccupation with imagined wrongs (delusions) committed against the heterophobic which is frequently accompanied by temper tantrums and argumentativeness. Delusions of persecutions. Tendency to be easily slighted and quick to take offense.
  • Confusion about discussing origination of pathology with "attacks" on personality and may be accompanied by death threats to those they imagine have wronged them.
  • Consistent avoidance of rational discussions (without resorting to emotional blackmail, manipulation and/or exploitation) of heterophobia pathology. Fear of scrutiny by others via history, evaluation/assessment, consequences of not abiding by heterosexuality, medical consequences, business/financial consequences, consequences to civil governments, etc.
  • Consistent manifestations of bigotry, prejudice, ignorance of consequences, emotional blackmail, etc.
  • Feelings of entitlement. Expectation of special favors without assuming reciprocal responsibilities. Feel things are "owed."
  • Pathology frequently identifies with victim role (emotional blackmail) while victimizing others (i.e., attempts to control, manipulate and impose will on others). Strong assertions and emotional statements that civil government (e.g., federal, state, county, local) plus society at large "owe" imagined debt.
  • Frequently accompanied by heterosexual bashing.
    (1) Overt: Name calling, cursing, raising voices in an attempt to intimidate so others are fearful of hearing opposing viewpoint and/or so opposing viewpoint cannot be heard, especially at social gatherings/fuctions (e.g., caughing, talking, etc.), ridicule, mockery, etc. Favored form of overt heterosexual bashing is at social functins and, preferably, when major media cameras are not present to record event....

    (2) Covert: covert and more sophisticated heterophobic heterosexual can frequently be viewed on national TV talk shows and some major media anchors.
(1) A group of individual who demonstrates the pathology of heterophobia.

(2) An individual or a group who is terrified of a traditional family system (e.g., male father and female mother who are married and may/may not have children). The fear is translated in the form of bigotry and prejudice in all areas of life (e.g., politics via voting pro-homosexual legislation, feminism's fear of commitment, [public schools'] encouragement of youth to seek alternative parent-figures primarily [among] teachers, guidance counselors, [members of] political groups ... homosexual rights groups, multiculturalists, premarital sex groups, abortion "rights," etc.).

(3) The fear of the heterophobic stems from not understanding the role and history of the heterosexual family system and how it relates to the success/decline of the society in which it lives.

(4) A heterophobic's arguments center around the bigotry, prejudice and ignorance of a healthy heterosexual family life. Rather than acknowledging same, the heterophobic seeks, through emotional blackmail and other forms of manipulation, a way to politically, educationally, [and] legally ... control or impose its pathology on others.
[Credits: Beverly Schmidt, "Heterophobia," Chalcedon Report, June 1994), pp. 35-36.]

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