Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It smells like ... victory ...

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning ... The smell -- you know, that gasoline smell -- the whole hill -- it smelled like ... victory." [Lt. Killgore in Apocalypse Now]

When John Kerry lost the last presidential election, nobody thought the world could witness a more disappointed constituency than the Democrat "blue state" partisans who endured the triumph of George W. Bush. I then predicted that the disappointment and gnashing of teeth among Democrats was nothing compared to what the world would see in the disappointment of liberal, dissident Catholics-- readers of National Catholic Reporter, Commonweal, America, U.S. Catholic, and all of those other dissident rags-- at the outcome of the next conclave. Well, I never could have been more right in a prediction. The liberal cafeteria Catholic's worst nightmare has come true: the Panzerkardinal, the Grand Inquisitor himself, has come to the papal throne. The Lord in His mercy and grace has sent us a Pope who loves truth, every bit as much as the late John Paul II did. Furthermore, He has sent us a Pope who, we pray, will offer a firm hand of guidance in this time of confusion and uncertainty. May the Lord in His mercy and grace grant peace, clarity, and guidance to His Church through the hand of His faithful servant, Pope Benedict XVI. He will need our prayers as much as the Church will need his firm and steady governance.

I can't help thinking what a fortuitous decision my son, Christopher made, some five or six years ago, when he launched the Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club website. Michael Davies' son apparently presented the Cardinal with a Tee-shirt he had ordered from the Fan Club website with "Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club" on the front and "truth is not a matter of majority vote" on the back, which the Cardinal is said to have received with jovial approval. Where will things go from here? Will the name of the website have to be changed to the "Pope Benedict XVI Fan Club"?

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