Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Da Vinci Code on trial in Italy

Dan Brown deserves far less attention than he's getting in the press these days, except for the fatal combination of (1) beguiling charm and (2) deception that animates his recent work of--I wish people could get this into their heads--FICTION, The Da Vinci Code. My priest tells me that parishioners have been coming to him and confessing in anguish that they are losing their faith because they didn't realize that all these horrible things Dan Brown says about the Catholic Church were "true"! Good heavens, what does it take anymore for people to sort out the difference between chicken soup and chicken spit! I hear there are now tours "Da Vinci Code tours" being offered in Rome to Dan Brown readers, not all of whom realize that his work is a piece of historical deception. And now it's come to this: BBC has announced that a mock trial is now being opened in Leonardo Da Vinci's hometown of Vinci to try to sort out the fact from fiction, in an effort to rebut the lies. The book would be worth none of this attention except for its libellous deceptions that touch basic Christian dogmas concerning Jesus Christ, prominent Christian institutions such as the Catholic Church, and religious organizations such as Opus Dei, and Dan Brown's refusal to come clean about his deceptions. Don't give a dime of your money to Dan Brown, but read on, inform yourself, and, especially, inform others. See my Da Vinci Code Page.

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