Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Back from Florida

Well, I'm back from Florida. It was my first time ever, except for a layover once in Miami International Airport on the way to Buenos Aires, Argentina, with my friend Bob Winter. I was impressed with the beauty and balmy breezes of the November atmosphere in Miami Beach, where the convention hotel was located. I was also impressed with Key West (above right) and the Everglades (below left). But as nice as everything was, my last thought was that I would not want to live there. Though the weather is exceedingly pleasant in the winter months, the summer must be hell. Further, it's just a long way from everything else I would want to be close to, including mountains, family, and major universities and other cultural centers. Nonetheless, Florida is magnificently beautiful, and I hope to go back again someday to visit. Certainly Key West, again. I would also like to see the Gulf coast of Florida sometime, to compare it with the Pacific coast. For now, though, it's good to be back home again.

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