Friday, July 08, 2016

"The fearless wit and wisdom of Fr. George William Rutler"

K.V. Kurley, "The fearless wit and wisdom of Fr. George William Rutler" (CWR, July 7, 2016): "Rutler's writing is filled with fearlessness, and it is the best type of fearlessness: a willingness to perceive the truth that matters."

Just one excerpt:
Trying to redefine marriage by human fiat is to pretend that man is creator and not procreator. This old and regressive conceit began with the first lie in Eden: “You will be like God.” At the wedding in Cana, Christ’s mother said, “Whatever my son says to do, do it.” We are free not to do what he says. We are free even to play Humpty Dumpty with nature, only asking which is to be master of words instead of acknowledging the Word as Master. But when the social order has a great fall in consequence, all the politicians will not be able to put it back together again.

[Hat tip to JM]

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