Sunday, May 31, 2015

Revisionists mount calumnious pre-synod campaign to marginalize Cardinal Pell

What are the Judas priest scumbags up to now? See the details for yourself. Cardinal Pell's numerous enemies in the Roman Curia have reached a new low:
"[N]ow they use an English member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors established by Pope Francis himself (abuse survivor Peter Saunders) on Australian private television (Channel Nine) to criticize the Cardinal and say that he "has to go" and that his position is "untenable" due to supposed failures of leadership when dealing with such matters when he was Archbishop of Melbourne....

"This is not about the Cardinal's tenure in Victoria; this is about his position in the Curia now and especially in the Synod. The goal is clear: it is to weaken Cardinal Pell by all sides so that he may be silent and meek in the Synod Hall in October, quite unlike the way he was last October, when he did not let the "Progressives" move against the words of Christ as they had planned."
Cardinal Pell has issued a statement.

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