Saturday, September 28, 2013

Verrecchio: Would Pius X have considered Pope Francis a modernist?

Louie Verrecchio, who once shared his testimony to God's providence with Ralph Martin during a session of the popular EWTN program "The Choices We Face," has just posted a piece bearing the audacious title "Is Pope Francis a Modernist?" (Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II, September 25, 2013).

Well, "audacious" doesn't even begin to describe the piece, actually. While the author raises some very serious questions, he explodes from the starting gate of his post like Jon Stewart's opening blast on his half-comic The Daily Show with the following:
I have little doubt that the title to this piece pretty much guarantees that the majority of Cotton Candy Catholics won’t even bother to read it. You see, for those who prefer to dwell in that fairy tale version of Catholicland wherein nary a crisis endures, the very question alone is like a serial killer making a cameo appearance in a child’s bedtime story.
And, with that, he's off and running, with a list of recent utterances of the Holy Father, which he holds up against the measuring rod of the imposing Engyclical, Pascendi, by Pius X.

[Hat tip to L.S.]


  1. I liked Martina's comment best....The Pope praises Islam and bemoans persecution. But the worst persecution physically and lethally is from a part of Islam and he is not addressing that.

  2. Ralph Roister-Doister7:54 PM

    "Louie Verrecchio, who once shared his testimony to God's providence with Ralph Martin during a session of the popular EWTN program 'The Choices We Face,'"

    Don't hold your breath waiting for his NEXT appearance on EWTN.
