Wednesday, September 04, 2013

"Santo Subito -- American Author Calls for His Own Sainthood, Now"

Kevin Wandra, "Santo Subito -- American Author Calls for His Own Sainthood, Now" (CNW, Sept. 4, 2013):
ATLANTA -- Widely known for his wit and humor as the host of "The Catholic Guy" on SiriusXM Radio, Lino Rulli believes that, like Pope John Paul II, his own Cause for Canonization should be addressed by Pope Francis immediately.

If Rulli has his way, he will be canonized on Divine Mercy Sunday, which, allegedly, is when Blessed Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII will be canonized in Rome. (The official announcement will be Sept. 30.) Rulli provides evidence for his Cause (and yours) in his latest book, SAINT: Why I Should Be Canonized Right Way, released this week from Servant Books....


  1. Cannot read the article due to the color configurations.

  2. Sorry 'bout that. Not sure where the problem lies. If you could read the excerpted paragraphs, that's the most interesting part, IMHO.
