Saturday, August 24, 2013

Some TLM restrictions being lifted among Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

So reports Fr. Zuhlsdorf (August 24, 2013). The positive news:
First, the Apostolic Commisar granted permission to the friar who is chaplain to the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate in Lanherne, England. Also, a permission was granted at the pilgrimage site at Campocavallo, Italy.

Also, a reliable source passed along to me (and I don’t have a way to verify this from a second source, so … take it as it is), that the restrictions on the use of the Usus Antiquior, established by the Congregation’s decree, were desired by Pope Francis to assure that:
  1. there is no compulsion to use the Usus Antiquior;
  2. this choice of the Usus Antiquior is not motivated by an ideological rejection of the Novus Ordo.
The Pope’s moves were not motivated by any animus against the Usus Antiquior. He is not against Benedict XVI’s legislation. Francis desires, once the above-mentioned conditions are verified, that permissions be granted to the friars who request to use also the Usus Antiquior. These points were made by the Holy Father to “a high-ranking Prelate in a recent personal conversation.”
Update: "Franciscans of the Immaculate -- Intervention Commissioner is interested in only one matter: the Traditional Mass" (Rorate Caeli, August 25, 2013): The questionnaire sent by the Commissioner designated in the Intervention of the Congregation for Religious shows that the only concern that animates the mind of Cardinal-Prefect João Braz de Aviz and Secretary Abp. Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, in this regard is the "Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite," both the Traditional Mass and the Traditional Breviary: "And, obviously, trying to find somewhere excuses to revert the legitimate decisions that, while fully preserving the "Ordinary Form" (the Paul VI Mass and Divine Office), favoured the Extraordinary Form inside the community."

A translation of the questionnaire is available at Rorate Caeli.

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