Tuesday, August 20, 2013

In Cairo the Lecture of Regensburg Is Relevant Again

From Sandro Magister (August 20, 2013): "Never has a pope been so clear and courageous in unveiling the roots of violence in Islam, before Benedict XVI. And not afterward, either. Two obligatory rereadings, to decipher the Egyptian crisis ..."


  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    At the risk of being accused of a cheap shot, then Cardinal Bergoglio's reaction to the Regensburg address is worthy of note as well:


  2. Never has a pope been so clear and courageous in unveiling the roots of violence in Islam..



  3. Council of Vienne

    Our redeemer, the only-begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, loved so much the daughter of Zion, the holy Land, that he chose her as his inheritance and his own patrimony. He therefore, clothed with our flesh, honoured her with his presence and consecrated her by the shedding of his precious blood. But we mourn and bitterly lament that so noble an inheritance of our redeemer has been turned over to strangers and laid low by the frenzy of the Babylonian persecutor, trampled underfoot by the feet of the defiled. She is dishonoured by the vile grasp of the unclean Saracens, faithless enemies of the Christian name. She has been occupied and wretchedly retained, the Christian people have been savagely slaughtered. To the insult of the creator, to the outrage and sorrow of all Christendom, the name of Christ is horribly blasphemed by the filthy and detestable conduct of the enemy. This sad region therefore weeps under the lash and repeatedly laments to the vicar of Christ about this intolerable persecution. Wounded by her disgrace, she pleads with Christian princes and the catholic people. She uncovers her wounds to those from whom she awaits the work of the healer. She demands liberation from those for whose salvation the author of salvation bore within her borders the suffering of the cross. All this and more besides, which the mind cannot fully conceive nor the tongue tell, rose to our heart and roused our mind as soon as we were called by divine favour, though unworthy, to the summit of apostolic dignity. We gazed tenderly at the doleful state of the holy Land and we applied ourselves to think out remedies by which, with the aid of heaven, that Land, freed from the enemy's criminal hands, might see, after the darkness of so many tribulations, the bright times of longed-for peace..

    Of course, it has always been believed (until the revolution) that Mahometanism was a false religion and was an implacable enemy of the One True Faith but now that we have embraced the Enlightenment and instituted the novel papal praxis of indifferentism, our Popes now call the psychotic pedophile, Mahomet, a prophet and our Popes kiss the Koran and our Popes visit Mosques, take off their shoes and pray with Imans and ask Saints to protect their "faith."

    And some dare call this continuity.
