Tuesday, June 04, 2013

What's a Catholic parent to do, now that 'gays' have won the coveted 'BSA' trophy?

To begin with, don't be sidetracked by Catholic leaders offering palliative answers to the wrong questions. "Scouting is still the best youth-serving program available to all youth" is such a distraction. With that pixie dust in your eyes, you'll never see what's coming. Be prepared..

Related: Eve Tushnet, "I'm Gay, but I'm Not Switching to a Church That Supports Gay Marriage" (The Atlantic, May 30, 2013).

[Hat tip to JM for Atlantic article]


  1. The best training program for young Catholic Males is not the queer cubbies, it is training to serve as an Altar Server at the TLM.

    I am old enough to remember when a healthy bias against the boy Scouts existed - it was a proddy product we were told to stay away from.

    Catholic Fathers can teach their own Catholic Sons how to act like a man in The Domestic Church and there is no requirement that Catholics ship their sons out to protestants for any kind of education at all.

    Frankly, a Catholic Father would be serving his son far better by teaching his Son from the Roman Catechism, teaching him the Rosary, teaching him Catholic Virtues, and, this prolly sounds strange, teaching him how to play Golf for that is a most masculine and peaceful sport that can develop the virtues of honesty, patience, self-control, mental toughness, strategy, and how to graciously accept defeat.

    That Catholic families began to accept Scouting was the naturalistic outcome of indifference (which is practical atheism as Pope Leo XIII taught) which was the natural consequence (like rust forming on a can of Billy Beer lying in a gutter) of a neglect of the Faith inspired by the acceptance of Americanism


  2. There is a Catholic alternative to The BSA....a good Scouting/growing experience to help grow our kids in a Morally Straight and Reverent path that others have abandoned. The Federation of North American Explorers is a member of the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe, a alternate offshoot of Scouting from the BSA, GSA or other umbrella groups.

    Some additional Reading....

    http://www.fneexplorers.com (national organization)

    from their web site: About Us
    Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe - F.S.E
    We offer a traditional and exciting program for boys and girls within our units and within the new Northmount School group who are members Federation of North-American Explorers (FNE). We are proud members of a unique movement known as the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe - FSE. Our brother group - the 1st Northstar group operating in Philidelphia USA now offers programs for both a male timber wolf den and a female timber wolf den.
    This movement just like our group and our Canadian and American based home movement is in no way affiliated with, nor members of Scouts Canada, the WOSM, Girl Guides of Canada, Boy Scouts of America or the Girl Scouts of America or any other similar youth organizations.

    We are the only non European English speaking members of the FSE. All members and countries share a similar uniform, progression program, being faithful to God (presented from a Catholic faith perspective), ideals and objectives.

  3. I am old enough to remember when a healthy bias against the boy Scouts existed - it was a proddy product we were told to stay away from.

    Catholics have had scout troops for about a century -- it's been a long time since it was looked upon as a "proddy product" (which it was initially because of the BSA's relationship with the YMCA).

  4. Dear DSC. Believe it or not, your personal experiences are not universally normative. Growing-up in So. Vermont it was a proddy product.

    Undoubtedly, yours was a different youth then mine. My Grandfather, flor instance, had a Cross burned in his backyard when he converted to Catholicism
