Saturday, June 29, 2013

The challenge of being a faithful priest today

Pray for our priests and bishops!


  1. These guys are going to have a hard time, if the Pope's bishop-focused approach is maintained. This type of things only works if the subordinates are faithful and orthodox, not just the guys at the top. A strategy that is neither smart or Franciscan, but at least we know where we are seemingly headed, which is continuity with a bland-out of doctrine. Better-fed masses being raised as clueless pagans who can still get access to baptism. At least that is how it sounds...:

    From Sandro Magister...

    Abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage are terms that the preaching of Francis has so far deliberately avoided pronouncing.

    On June 16, on the day of the celebration of "Evangelium Vitae," the vigorous encyclical of John Paul II against abortion and euthanasia, pope Bergoglio indeed spoke, but in disarmingly brief and generic phrases, if they are compared with the formidable battle on a global scale fought by pope Karol Wojtyla in that year of 1995 and the previous year, with its epicenter in the conference on population and development convened by the United Nations in Cairo.

    John Paul II and Benedict XVI after him exerted immense energy in opposing the epochal challenge represented by the modern ideology of birth and death, as also by the dissolution of the created duality of male and female.

    To this latter question Joseph Ratzinger dedicated his last great discourse to the curia, last Christmas Eve.

    And both of these popes felt even more keenly the duty of acting as guides and "strengthening the faith" of Catholics on these crucial themes precisely because they were aware of the uncertainty of so many faithful and of the sluggishness of some of the national episcopal conferences, with the few exceptions of that of Italy, as headed by cardinals Camillo Ruini and Angelo Bagnasco, of America, as headed by Francis George and Timothy Dolan, and of France, as headed by Cardinal André Vingt-Trois.

    The recent case of France, with the extraordinary reaction of intellectuals and of the people, Catholic and not, to the legalization of homosexual marriage, was the one on which Pope Francis was most anticipated to comment.

    But he did not say even a single word in support of the action of the Church of France, not even when on June 15 he received at the Vatican the members of parliament of the “Group of friendship France - Holy See."

    It is to be expected that in the future Francis will continue to adhere to this reserve of his on questions that concern the political sphere. A reserve that will also gag the secretariat of state. It is the pope's conviction that such statements are the preserve of the bishops of each nation. He has told those of Italy in unmistakable words: “The dialogue with political institutions is your affair.”

    There is much that is risky in this delegation, given the pessimistic judgment that Bergoglio has on the average quality of the bishops of the world. Who are in turn tempted to delegate the decisions to laymen also of dubious reliability, renouncing the role of leadership that belongs to those who are marked with the episcopal character.

    But it is a risk that Francis is not afraid to face, convinced as he is - he has said so - that if the bishop is unsure, “the flock itself has the scent in finding the way.”

  2. This is the Advent of The execution of The Conservative Catholic Collective and Pope Francis is Mastro Titta.
