Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pope Francis: 'Gay lobby' exists inside Vatican

Daniel Burke (CNN, June 11, 2013) reports:
Pope Francis said a “gay lobby” exists inside the Vatican ... a surprising disclosure from a pope who has already delivered his share of stunners, and a resurrection of church conflicts that had bedeviled his predecessor's papacy.

“In the Curia,” Francis said, referring to Catholicism’s central bureaucracy, “there are holy people. But there is also a stream of corruption.”

“The 'gay lobby' is mentioned, and it is true, it is there,” Francis continued. “We need to see what we can do.”
The "Gay Lobby": confirmations all around
- Bergoglio ends Vatican omertà
- Fr. Oko: "The true challenge of the Pontiff is the heresy of homosexuality
" (Rorate Caeli, June 13, 2013)

1 comment:

  1. Ralph Roister-Doister11:22 AM

    Here you see Pope Bergoglio's uniquely third world radicalism. His pro-rupture orientation does not include the championing of first world nostrums such as homosexuality, lesbianism, feminism, etc. These are corrupting influences in a corpulent, lazy, "tolerant," narcissistic, overly "civilized" culture ruled by pointy-headed perfessers what can't park a bicycle straight.

    But in a brutal, unburnished culture (Argentina is hardly the worst case) in which governments actually get overthrown, politicians actually get executed, victims of "poverty" actually weigh under 300 pounds and face starvation, and families mourn their "desaparecidos" -- in such cultures one finds far less sympathy for perverts and exotic malcontents than in the priveleged sloughs of despond of Europe and America. Those constituencies would be far better served by a Pope Danneels, or perhaps even a Pope Wuerl (among many other suitable candidates).

    The true nightmare will be if these two pro-rupture factions, first world and third world, forge an alliance.
