Tuesday, May 08, 2012

"What's wrong with this?"

"The White House Visitors Office requires that an unborn child—still residing in utero—must be counted as a full human being when its parents register for a White House tour, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.... The White House of the most aggressively pro-abortion President evv-errr." (Emphasis in the original). [Source]

"One of the greatest victories of feminists and left – including their catholic dupes and water-carriers – was to divorce the issue abortion from civil rights (and in the context of the Church, social justice) and twist it instead into a 'woman’s issue'. The right to be born is a social justice issue, not a woman’s issue. Do not be deceived by the lies of the left or of Catholics." -- Fr. Z. (Source)


  1. "right to be born is a social justice issue, not a woman’s issue."

    That's probably the most sexist comment I've heard in a while. It IS a woman's issue too because she is the one that provides her body for the child to be born. To not consider this, is sexist.

  2. Anonymous Bosch8:23 PM


    Don't be so thick. Do you see anyone here denying that women are indispensably involved in childbirth?

    A definition of "sexist" provided by Merriam-Wesbster defines it as "attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex."

    On THAT definition, making baby-killing a "woman's" issue is purely SEXIST!

    Are you suggesting that unborn human babies do not qualify for the right to "LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"? Is an unborn baby a PART of a woman's body and not a numerically distinct human being?

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    As that leftest women's anthem says, I am woman (too and) hear me roar. Your post above is, bar none, the worst post I have ever read on this forum. There is no such thing as "sexist". its a term coined by pro-death women who have brought us abortion, contraception euthanasia and the like. All of this is horrible to a Catholic's ears.

    (Sorry Dr. Blosser if to much of my Irish is showing above but I have had it with people of that ilk and I won't mind if you don't post it.

