Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Pray for the people of Los Angeles and for Archbp. Gomez.

As Blogsville is already achatter over the resignation of LA's Aux. Bp. Most Rev. Gabino Zavala after two of his teenage children were discovered, I need say little about it. How very sad.

Pictured below is the Bishop with altar serves of the Campus Ministry Mount Saint Mary's College following the "Closing Liturgy" in a past edition of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. [Source]

Fr. John Zuhlsdorff notes that Bp. Zavala also presided over the closing liturgy of the "Three Days of Darkness" Education Conference in LA a couple years back. Who could forget?

And, yes, Fr. Z also called this, back when it happened, "reason #65648 for Summorum Pontificum," be that as it may.


  1. Niall1:53 AM

    In the photograph above, I count eleven altar servers.

    Guess how many of them are male?

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I hear you, Niall. Kinda reminds me of those Masses with 120-380 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, more than likely few if any male.
