Thursday, August 18, 2011

"The pro-life homily that rocked the world and caused 3 priests to be beheaded"

Dr. Gerard M. Nadal's August 15th post comes to you via Nina Bryhn from Deacon Greg Kendra, who posted this homily by Cardinal Clemens von Galen earlier this month on the 70th anniversary of its delivery, originally, on August 3, 1941, in Münster Cathedral. It is archived at, which has an excellent repository of historical speeches and commentary.


  1. Oh thank you for putting this up on your blog. I knew there was a German Cardinal who had risked his life but I did not know three of his priests were beheaded. I can only assume there is a cause for their canonization. Do you know if there is?

  2. Dark Horse9:21 PM

    Awesome story!
