Thursday, March 03, 2011

“Global Missal Dissent System” & "Liturgical Optionitis"

I just couldn't resist these two beautiful zingers, from Louie Verrecchio, "Liturgy’s effect on gay 'marriage' debate" (CNA, Marcy 2, 2011), as mediated by Fr. Z (WDTPRS, March 3, 2011).

Verecchio's more serious point, summarized more briefly by Fr. Z, is that "liturgical optionitis," reflecting a culture of personal preferences rampant since the sixties, has helped to foster an ethos in which a higher percentage of self-identified Catholics now see "gay marriage" as an acceptable social option than in American culture at large. No surprise.


  1. Dark Horse1:05 PM

    Very cool. I'm going to use this one! "Global Missal Dissent System"!

  2. Sheldon1:22 PM

    The "optionitis" is clearly one of the major diseases of the new liturgical ars celebrandi.
