Monday, July 26, 2010

Liberal media wants to "crack down" on bloggers

In a gratuitous exhibition of a most illiberal, repressive attitude, "CNN Host Calls for Crackdown on 'Bloggers' in Wake of Sherrod Incident: 'Something’s Going to Have to be Done Legally'" (News Busters, July 23, 2010). The pretext is variable, but the sentiment is the same: shut down those reactionary right-wing media outlets (talk show hosts, bloggers, etc.). The left can't seem to prevail in the free marketplace of ideas, so it wants to grab the the levers of power and do something "legal" to leverage its will. Recall what J.J. Rousseau said of those who dissent from the will of those in power: "They must be compelled to be free." The closing of the American mind redivivus.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. The usual liberal control-freaks in action again. Sorry - I tried to tweet this off you blog, but without success' so tweeted it off the orignal.
