Sunday, January 11, 2009

Liturgical endnotes

  • "British journals publicize Traditional Calendar" (Rorate Caeli, January 11, 2009).

  • "The Vigil of the Epiphany" (Tridentine Community News, January 11, 2009):
    A reader had a question as to why the Mass this past Monday, January 5 at St. Josaphat was a Feria and not the Vigil of the Epiphany. The answer is that the Vigil of Epiphany, plus some other vigils, were suppressed in the 1955 Calendar changes. Pre-1955 hand missals that have been reprinted, such as the Fr. Lasance and St. Andrew Missals, contain this feast, however it is no longer celebrated.

    As we have stated before, we highly recommend the use of 1955 or later hand missals, not only because they contain the 1962 Calendar that Rome requires that we use, but also because they tend to have less typographical errors than older missals.

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