Monday, August 20, 2007

Anti-Catholicism of Golden Compass escapes Kidman

CathNews had a story yesterday quoting Nicole Kidman saying that the new movie she stars in, The Golden Compass, is not anti-Catholic ("My new film not anti-church, pleads Catholic Kidman," Catholic News, August 19, 2007):
Kidman told the magazine: "I was raised Catholic, the Catholic Church is part of my essence."
Umm, okay, sure.

But American Papist thinks otherwise. A little research, he suggests, reveals that Philip Pullman, the author of the book which inspired the movie, is an anti-Catholic atheist who has marketed his thinly-veiled strain of bigotry as children’s fantasy (The Golden Compass is pointing towards anti-Catholicism," August 19, 2007). Parents, caveat emptor.

[Hat tip to T.P.]

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