Thursday, March 29, 2007

Home again

We're home again, as of midnight last (Wednesday) night. We had a wonderful and gratifying time together with family and relatives. Daughter Hannah enjoyed staying at our cousin's bed and breakfast in a rural setting in a remodeled farmhouse where they currently in lambing season, so there are lots of baby sheep about. But of course it's also great to be home again, safely after the long hours of driving. Thanks for your prayers.

Speaking of prayers, another prayer request: a couple whose marriage is on the rocks because the husband's dabbling in pornography and sexual perversion have pulled him over the edge into a vortex of diabolical addictive disorders bordering on the uncontrollable. The family needs prayer. Given the pervasive hedonism of our culture, the increasing perversion of its forms of entertainment, and their ready accessibility through the same cyberspace network that brings you this blog, this problem is probably more common than we'd like to admit.

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