Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A few good book deals added ... and more

A tip of the Guinness glass to those of you sending in orders for the Benedict XVI bumper stiker below (... keep 'em comin')! Let me also note several very good book deals that we've added to the store (the link is above, right -- or HERE). It's not a large selection. Just clearing out some inventory and double copies of books in my library. Still, offerings range from Pope Benedict XVI to Immanuel Kant. I do not have multiple copies for all of these, so if you would like one of these, don't wait. It's a good deal while it lasts. Cheers! --P.P.

P.S. (2/22/06) We've also got a great deal for anyone who loves the cinematic portrayal of that wonderful Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers, starring Ben Kinglesy as Potiphar and Robert Mercurio as Joseph. This is largely thought to be the best of the OT seriest produced by Beta Film GmbH, Five Mile River Films; and I concur. Mercurio and Kingley pull off their rolls here in top form. $13.95 Used - Very good condition (Amazon Marketplace Link)

P.P.S. (2/22/06) SOLD! My single copy of Lewis' Four Loves was just bought today by a former student of mine from England. Going fast.

P.P.P.S. (2/22/06) Oops! The Joseph video's just been SOLD! No more copies of that, sorry! Like I said: going fast.

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