Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Infallibility and authority & strength "unfashionable"

Pierre Francois Le Louet wasn't discussing theology. The marketing and style consultant for a French fashion agency was discussing fashion trends. "The masculine ideal is being completely modified. All the traditional male values of authority, infallibility, virility and strength are being completely overturned," he said. "We are watching the birth of a hybrid man. ... Why not put on a pink-flowered shirt and try out a partner-swapping club?" asked Le Louet, stressing that the study had focused on men aged between 20 and 35. (Source: AFP Paris 6/8/05) Makes me think of The Wanting Seed, Anthony Burgess' distopian novel in which the social mind-moulders and government enthusiastically promote homosexuality and opposition to traditional family values for purposes of population management and reduction. But there's no telling what we're in for in the long run. As Ripley always said, reality is stranger than fiction.

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